Terraest une plate-forme en ligne facile à utiliser pour la surveillance et la gestion à distance d'un système énergétique. Il fournit une surveillance de l'appareil 24h / 24 et 7j / 7 et une alarme d'état automatique pour assurer le bon fonctionnement du système.
Fonctionnant avec les onduleurs Nitram/ CyberPower,le Data logger (CPSDL02) et les autres produits solaires (par exemple les panneaux solaires), le logiciel Terra fournit des informations en temps réel, notamment la production et la consommation d'énergie, l'état de l'appareil, les informations météorologiques et les statistiques des 7 derniers jours. . Pour l'analyse du système, les journaux d'événements sont enregistrés pour que les utilisateurs puissent suivre l'état et les données de tous les onduleurs, tandis que les rapports périodiques calculent les données analytiques pour fournir une vue d'ensemble du système. De plus, Terra prend en charge l'application mobile, permettant aux utilisateurs de surveiller le système à tout moment et n'importe où.
*En fonction des tensions d'entrée et de sortie de l'onduleur, les données relatives à l'efficacité et à la consommation d'énergie sont mesurées conformément aux méthodes d'essai ENERGY STAR ou U.S. DoE. Ces données sont approximatives et peuvent varier en fonction du type et de la charge des appareils connectés, de la longueur du cordon d'alimentation et d'autres variables.
CRN Data Center 100 and Top 20 Infrastructure Provider
Fast Growing with Enterprise Solution
GreenPower UPS™ Energy-saving Technology
Expanding the Business into European Market
Established World-class In-house Laboratory
Taking the Lead following the Internet Revolution
Started Business in the U.S.
Followed the path to success through its state-of-the-art technology in UPS systems, CyberPower has gained significant success in the United States and Europe, and has been further expanding its new service coverage throughout the world. With the outstanding engineer excellence and quality standards, CyberPower has become a dominant leader as one of the fast-growing power protection manufacturers in the IT industry.
More than 100 distributors and retail locations worldwide
Won Data Center 100 and Top 20 Infrastructure Provider by CRN three times in a row since 2013
CyberPower was recognized by CRN, a top news source for solution provider and the IT channel, to be one of the significant vendors of data center service provider supporting backup tools, virtual solutions, and cloud hosting from the aspects of efficient and environmental friendly manners.
Received the world's first Energy Star certificate from CSA group and was awarded Energy-efficient IT Systems by Green IT Best Practice Award 2012
Launched Datacenter UPS systems product line, and developed software compatibility with critical virtualization technology partners, including VMware, Hyper-V, Red Hat, and Citrix
With years of practice and diligence in the field of power protection, CyberPower was recognized by its expertise in enterprise solution.
Established office in Japan and started sales through channels in Australia to expand its business presences in Asia-Pacific region
CyberPower started Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Taiwan stock market
CyberPower GreenPower UPS™ technology represents multiple advanced energy-saving designs that improve the operating efficiency and eliminate waste energy consumption.
Launched the first high-frequency energy-saving UPS with ultra-efficient technology
Recognized as ''Best New Vendor of the Year'' by Ingram Micro, the world's largest distributor of computer and technology products
CyberPower's business continued to flourish in the U.S. retail channels and later expanded to the market in Europe.
Developed and launched DC UPS for Telecom industry
Commenced partnership with the world's largest IT distributor and global network technology provider, Tech Data and Tellabs
CyberPower strived to further enhance the research and development capability by establishing in-house laboratories.
Certified by UL LCC to provide advanced testing environment
Performed safety tests, EMI certification and pre-testing to accelerate the development process and enhance engineering excellence
CyberPower was certified as the world’s first ''Microsoft Windows 98 compatible UPS vendor.'' After that, all of the UPS products are designed to be compatible with Microsoft OS, showing CyberPower's acute observation on the trend and our flexibility to adapt and adopt new technology.
Introduced UPS Power98, the first UPS designed to be compatible with Windows 98
Entered the world's largest and multi-national retail stores: Walmart, BestBuy and Fry's
With the expertise in power protection and battery backup, CyberPower has set its cornertone in the UPS business in the U.S. market.
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